Natural Ways to Stop DHT While Preserving Your Hair

No doubt you've probably heard of the hormone DHT by now. It's so popular that so many hair loss sufferers are doing alll that they can to stop it. Many of the products on the market for thinning of your hair don't actually target DHT like they should.

Green Tea Extract Capsules

For those that are specifically targeted to fight off this hair-killing hormone, they often times are harsh and leave you with unwanted side effects of various sorts. So for that reason you need to focus on a couple natural ways you can easily regrow more hair, while preserving the hair you have now.

Green Tea Extract Capsules

So the question remains "how do you do it"? First of all let's examine how men can do it since it affects them the most, then we will examine how females can keep their hair and stop it too.

So for most men DHT gets formed from a depletion of testosterone in the male body. This testosterone is often times converted to DHT by way of an enzyme called 5 alpha-reductase. The trick to more hair growth and less hair loss involves stopping the production of this hormone.

One great method for this is to start taking saw palmetto extract daily. 1,200 mg of it is a great amount to take and will help any man to curb baldness with ease. Besides the use of saw palmetto extract, you should be aware of using various shampoo products as well.

Nizoral shampoo is actually designed to treat dandruff, but it has been linked to cutting DHT in the scalp. I would cleanse my hair and scalp with it about twice a week. Any more than this could result in extremely dry hair and scalp.

For women who want to ward off the effects of DHT, they should make green tea a regular consumption. Drinking four cups of it daily is an effective way to treat the buildup of DHT in their scalps. Even taking green tea capsules has been studied as an effective means for women to stop hair loss.

Natural Ways to Stop DHT While Preserving Your Hair
Green Tea Extract Capsules

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