Herbal Tea and Acne - Thumbs Up For This Natural Herbal Remedy

If you are looking for an effective way to combat acne, there is no method more reliable than herbal or natural treatment. In addition to extracting natural properties from herbal sources that prove really effective, it also prevents you from acquiring serious skin irritations or other side effects. Even for those suffering from skin inflammation or acne scar can benefit from the use of natural acne treatment.

Green Tea Extract Capsules

Herbal tea acne treatment is one of those methods that are highly recommended by skin doctors. It utilizes the healing qualities of organic herbs and substances, which is a treatment method utilized for several centuries.

Green Tea Extract Capsules

If you want to use herbal tea for acne, you must begin by carefully choosing the type of herb you are going to use. Then, you can use that herb to prepare your natural herbal tea mixture. Those that experts recommend for making your herbal tea for acne are tea tree, aloe vera, and green tea. These three examples were revealed in studies in an effort to identify which botanical herbs can be utilized for an herbal tea treatment against acne. Therefore, you can be confident that this substance is scientifically proven to work.

The use of aloe vera extracts to make an herbal tea mixture is useful to reduce the appearance of acne on your skin surface, while at the same time it provides an effective way to eliminate visible scars. The use of tea tree oil as herbal tea acne treatment traces a long history dating to as far back as during the ancient Aborigines in their native Australia. Research studies have also shown that the intake of tea tree oil as herbal tea against acne produces the same results as salicylic acid-based acne treatment.

Finally, green tea is one of the most popular choices of tea to drink. But did you know that this too can benefit anyone suffering from acne? Research has determined that green tea contains strong anti-oxidants components and other compounds which can also be taken in capsule form or are found in various commercially produced acne products. Hence, drinking it as a tea is another great way to absorb its healing effect such as ability to reduce skin inflammation, regulating hormonal activity to prevent future acne breakouts, detoxifying your body to get rid of harmful toxins, and the eliminate of acne scar on your skin surface.

Other choices of herbs to make your own natural tea  mixture at home include figwort, echinacea, Turkey corn, Thuja, dandelion, ivy purslane, burdock, valerian, watercress, wild strawberry leaves, yarrow root, among others. For best results, you can use a combination of herbs and drink the mixture 2 to 3 times a day.

Herbal Tea and Acne - Thumbs Up For This Natural Herbal Remedy
Green Tea Extract Capsules

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